Hotel "Zimnyaya"

  • Location Valaam, Sortavala
  • More Phone: (814-30) 3-82-48
  • Address Tsentralnaya Str., 4
  • The hotel is situated in the central farmland of Valaam village, close to the Monastery of Savior and Transfiguration of Valaam.
    A thuya alley goes from Znamenskaja chapel to Zimnyaya hotel, which was built under the project of a famous architect Gornostaev in 1854. In 1874 two wings were built close to the hotel, in the 19 century the third floor was also constructed. Later the school of arts took it. The building was completed in 1900.
    Nowadays there is a hotel, Valaam school, a shop, a warehouse and other service rooms in the building. The building is the cultural monument of republican significance and is registered in the Center of Monuments Protection of Republic of Karelia.
    Zimnyaya hotel takes one wing on the 2nd floor of the historical building of the hotel. It consists of 22 rooms of different category: 8 doubles, 7 triples and 2 rooms for four persons with all the conveniences (WC, shower) on the floor, 1 luxury suite.
    High arched ceilings and narrow rooms remind of monk cells, but modern decoration makes it look cozy. There are comfortable modern beds, tables and chairs in the room. Cafe and bar works on the territory of the hotel.

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